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Legal Information

The factsheets below provide accessible information about family, child and civil law, as it applies in England and Wales. They are not a substitute for legal advice.

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View our most frequently downloaded legal factsheets

Child Arrangement Orders

This fact sheet explains the available orders when there are disputes between separating parents around their rights and responsibilities towards their children.

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How do I enforce a Child Arrangements order?

This factsheet explains how to enforce a Child Arrangements order when an ex-partner is not following its terms.

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Financial disclosure on divorce & separation

This factsheet explains the process of financial disclosure during divorce and separation proceedings.

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Divorce & dissolution proceedings

This factsheet is for anyone considering a divorce or dissolution. It explains the application process and the stages of proceedings.

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Understanding Non-molestation orders

This factsheet explains what a non-molestation order is, how it can protect victims of domestic abuse, and how to apply for one.

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Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM)

This factsheet explains the purpose of a MIAM and the exceptions that apply.

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How do I keep my contact details confidential in Family Court?

This factsheet explains which form to use to keep your contact details confidential in family court proceedings.

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How can I get help with court fees?

This factsheet explains who can get help with court or tribunal fees and how.

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