Freephone0808 8010327

Men’s Advice Line is a team of friendly Advisors who will listen and believe you. Our team are available to offer you non-judgmental support, practical advice and information.

Our focus is to increase the safety of men experiencing domestic abuse (and the safety of any children) by providing confidential support.

We are strongly committed to offering a high-quality service. The Men’s Advice Line was accredited for the fourth time by the Helplines Partnership in June 2022.

Frequently asked questions

Open the tabs below to find out more.

Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline, email and webchat service for male victims of domestic abuse. We offer advice and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help men keep themselves (and their children) safe.

Men’s Advice Line is for men who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse, and for those supporting them: concerned friends or family members, Frontline Workers assisting male victims, are all welcome to call us for information and support.

Yes. Any data taken is kept in line with our privacy policy that can be accessed here. In some circumstances, we may be required under law to share or disclose your information to external parties where there is concern over someone’s safety.

No. We do not ask for any kind of proof or evidence that you have experienced domestic abuse. All callers are offered the best help possible. No one has to prove that they are a victim to get a service.

Calls do not offer the time needed to conduct assessments. Callers are asked questions to help identify their risks and needs. This allows the helpline staff to offer support that best reflects the callers’ situation.

Men’s Advice Line does not provide legal advice. Our Advisors aren’t legally qualified and aren’t allowed to give advice on specific legal matters. They are able, however, to provide legal information, which is factual, generic and doesn’t address any one cause of action. Advisors can signpost to services where you can get legal advice.

Men’s Advice Line is funded by the Home Office, Government of Scotland, Scottish Women’s Aid and London Councils.

London Councils is committed to fighting for more resources for London and getting the best possible deal for London’s 33 councils. To read about London Councils’ grants funding and the work of some of the groups supported please visit:

The service is run and managed by Respect, a company limited by guarantee (Company number 7582438) and a registered charity, number 1141636.

For more information about what to expect when you contact Men’s Advice Line, click here.

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