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Male domestic abuse: stories of men like you

Male Domestic Abuse Stories:

Male victims: You aren’t alone.
Abuse of men and male victims of domestic abuse are much more common than people think.
Here are some stories of men who have been in similar situations to you.

James experiences gaslighting and fights to see his son

This is the story of a man who experienced domestic abuse, as written by himself, hoping that other men with similar experiences will recognise the signs and get help. The names of the people involved have been changed.

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Darren’s first relationship is abusive.

Darren would do anything to make his first love happy. So he stopped seeing his friends and paid off her debts to prove it.

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Mark is taken into custody after false allegations.

Luckily, his bruises become his get-out-of jail card.

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Joe experiences abuse after 50 years of marriage

Joe's wife has mobility problems that trigger abusive behaviours. He doesn’t know what to do.

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Rob is on a long journey to recovery.

The impact of domestic abuse on his mental health is severe and long-lasting.

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Jason – ADHD and domestic abuse.

He flees with his son, but the right support service is difficult to find.

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