Freephone0808 8010327

Contact us

Here are a few ways in which you can get in touch


Telephone support

0808 8010327

Mon–Fri 10am-5pm

Free from landlines and mobile phones within the UK. Your call will not appear on itemised bills. You can also call free from BT pay phones.

Email support

[email protected]

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Webchat support

Wednesday 10-11:30am

Thursday 2-4pm


Welcome to the Men’s Advice Line webchat service.

Before connecting you to an Advisor there is some important information to read and agree to.

Your personal data and confidentiality

During the webchat you may choose to disclose sensitive personal data. Anything you tell us is confidential, in line with our confidentiality policy, but we need your consent to process it.

By processing, we mean to send it through our website in webchat messages. The provider of the webchat infrastructure (Salesforce) keeps secure records of webchats in their servers and sends us transcripts, which we keep on a secure cloud-based service for 6 months from the date received. We don’t use technology to identify your IP address.

For quality monitoring, the Helpline Manager occasionally observes webchats in real-time and takes notes about the service provided. These notes don’t include any information that could identify you.

By connecting with the webchat service, you are consenting to the above.

Accessibility – Equality of Access
We aim to make our service accessible to everyone.
Calls to 0808 80 numbers are free to call from landlines and mobile phones within the UK and do not appear on itemised bills. They are also free to call from BT payphones.

  • Telephone interpreters
    If English isn’t your first language you can ask for a telephone interpreter or ask someone you know to do it for you.
  • Next-generation text service
    Our Helpline Advisors are trained to communicate with those unable to hear or speak on the phone via the Next Generation Text Service facility.
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