Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic abuse and frontline workers supporting male victims. Over the years we’ve helped thousands of men of every sexuality and in every kind of relationship. Our advisors offer practical advice and emotional support, and signpost to vital services to help keep victims and their children safe.
We also speak to frontline workers, family members, friends and practitioners. If you’re supporting a male victim, you’re welcome to contact us for confidential advice and information. All calls are free, or you can email or webchat us.
Resources for frontline workers supporting male victims
These resources are designed to help you safely and effectively engage with male victims of domestic abuse. We also have legal factsheets which offer accessible information about family, child and civil law in England and Wales, but they’re not a substitute for legal advice.
We’d love to hear your feedback and any ideas you have for more resources.
Training and resources for frontline workers
- Working with male victims of domestic abuse is a training course for frontline workers supporting male victims.
- Respect Toolkit for Work with Male Victims of Domestic Abuse is for anyone working with male victims of abuse. It includes research on men’s experiences and needs, case studies, assessment forms and more.
- The Respect Male Victims’ Standard 2019 is an accreditation to help service users, funders, commissioners, policy makers and referring agencies recognise high-quality, safety-focused interventions and services.
- Living a life by permission is a report about research on the experiences of male victims during Covid-19. It was commissioned by Respect and carried out by Durham University Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse.
- Respect Men’s Advice Line Service Review 2021/22 is a report of research based on Respect’s Men’s Advice Line, carried out by Durham University’s Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse
- The voices of male victims: Understanding Men’s experiences of the Men’s Advice Line is a report presenting the findings of a qualitative research project seeking to hear the views of helpline users.
Legal resources
Find accessible information about family, child and civil law in England and Wales.
Frequently Downloaded
Understanding Non-molestation orders
This factsheet explains what a non-molestation order is, how it can protect victims of domestic abuse, and how to apply for one.

What is
Learn the types

Help for
male victims
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I called the Men’s Advice Line to get advice about a client. The Advisor listened carefully and offered thoughtful, careful feedback, helping me to find a way forward. I appreciated the support enormously. Excellent service, staffed by knowledgeable friendly staff.Brian