Freephone0808 8010327

Break the silence today
Remember, your abuser is responsible for their actions. It’s not your fault. So if you’re ready, talk to us today and we’ll give you confidential advice and support.

Abuse. It’s time to talk.

Just one conversation can make a difference. Here’s what happens when you call:

  • A friendly advisor will ask you what’s happening.
  • You can tell us as much as you want.
  • We’ll believe you.
  • You’ll get honest advice.

If you want to talk, contact us by phone, webchat or email today.

It’s not your fault.

Domestic abuse affects men of every age, sexuality, ability, class and ethnic background. If your partner frightens, controls or hurts you, it isn’t your fault. And it’s okay to want help.

Spot the signs

  • Does your partner control your actions, money or decisions?
  • Do they manipulate, frighten or hurt you?
  • Is their behaviour affecting your children or your mental health?

These are the signs of abuse.

You aren’t alone

Domestic abuse against men is more common than people think. We’ve helped thousands of men in all sorts of situations. Read their stories here.

Get in touch today

Do you want advice, emotional support or just a friendly voice to talk to? Call us today, send us an email or talk to us on webchat.

"You can tell us as much or as little as you want. Your advisor will listen and give you honest advice, they won’t judge and they’ll keep your call confidential."
Freephone 0808 8010327

Abuse is hardly ever a one-off, and tends to get worse over time. There is help. There is hope.

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